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Adriana Dorta

Adriana Dorta

"As in the continuous movement of clock hands, I begin by sketching an idea, then painting that image on canvas. Once completed, I distort it using different mediums and techniques, into endless elements... reaching new dimensions and perceptions creating my own artistic concepts."

"In this case, what initially began as a sketch, later became a canvas, then a wall installation, then a self standing rotating outdoor sculpture."

“Her work ‘Leaf’ is quite extraordinary, with an infinite variety of movement executed with great simplicity, no matter where you are or walk around this piece there is an ever changing movement and aesthetics”

Adriana Dorta - DORCAM - David Henz -- Image 06

"It is remarkable the versatility on how Adriana Dorta recreates her own Geometric shapes and lines, making a 'fusion' of them with her unique effects of the light perceived trough endless spaces."

"Adriana’s work has a powerful visual force with the ability to trap whoever sees it.. her work captivates not only for its beauty and light but its spiritual message..”



Since childhood, Adriana has been gifted with creativity. She went on to study Business Administration, obtaining a bachelors degree in her native Caracas, Venezuela. In 2008, Adriana pursued her true passion, studying Visual Arts at the Miami International University of Art & Design.

Languages: Spanish, French, English.



Catalog Prize
Switzerland, 2023

AXIOM Fine Art – Zaha Hadid OTM – Open Call First Round Winner to exhibit in One Thousand Museum by Zaha Hadid.

Received “MG Developer Award“, Coral Gables, FL, Feb. 2018

2nd Place, Origins in Geometry, VI International Biennial Exhibition, Dallas TX, November, 2021

Finalist, Origins in Geometry, V International Biennial Exhibition, Dallas, TX, July/Oct. 2019

A Sectis Design Collaboration, “Waves” won First Prize, Best in Show, Ft. Lauderdale Convention Center, FL, Dec. 2018.

This collaboration has been an opportunity to create large-scale projects, as Ricardo Neumann said, “Our walls become her white canvas.”

Installations & Exhibits

Installations & Exhibits



Furniture for life

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Furniture for life

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo